What psychotherapy services are available at Mind Blossom Center?
At MBC, psychotherapy services are available for individuals, couples, and families. Clients range in age and include children, teens, and adults. Our therapists incorporate evidence-based principles and techniques into therapy sessions, including cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT), behavioral, family systems, psychodynamic, and attachment-based orientations. Goals are set collaboratively between the therapist and client, and the specific approach is tailored to the strengths, needs, and other unique factors related to the individual, couple, or family.
How do I know if psychotherapy is right for me or my family?
Common referral concerns for individual therapy clients involve anxiety, depression, and other emotional issues, relational challenges and difficulties with peer relationships, problems with self-esteem, and adjusting with life stressors and major transitions.
Goals for couples therapy include helping romantic partners manage and work through dissatisfaction and conflict within the relationship, and to help partners mutually agree upon optimal resolutions to their problems and sources of distress.
Family therapy helps address problematic dynamics and communication patterns between all or some members of the family unit, and is intended to help family members work through conflict in healthier and more adaptive ways. Family therapy sessions may involve all or some members of the family unit, depending on the nature of the challenges.